On Monday - that being the inevitable ‘next day’ - BOB sat in a super-comfy lounge chair and looked out at the void before him. Feeling that something should share this vast space or, rather, feeling that he might as well finish the job, BOB said calmly: “Let there be planets that orbit the stars! Let there be galaxies! Let the planets be equipped with water and soft-drink machines! Then place slime in the water and give it two quarters! Thus shall I allow the slime to crawl forth unto the fertile soil, grow into little fuzzy beasts, and buy soda. Got it?”
And, lo, did it all come to pass? You bet your left handed masturbation break it did. The slime crawled forth unto the fertile soil and grew into fuzzy beasts that frolicked in the fields amongst the less-fortunate slime. The planetary soda machine, however, demanded seventy-five cents. The fuzzy beasts were one quarter short. In what was undoubtedly the most stunning example of caffeine withdrawal, the soda machine was lobbed into a volcano.
But, in Bob Heavens (where there is great sausage), BOB had grown lonely. Thus he created his disciples: two beings that wore mainly black, but not as a fashion statement or a sign of teenage angst. They wore black because BOB Heavens (where there is mythological sausage) was located above the dome of the Earth and, therefore, if you read your Torah, above the sun. So it was very cold up there. Of course, realistically, this was probably a random event. Anyway, Purple’s the new black these days. But black will be back, so we’ll keep it in the Boble. I’m more of a ‘Spring’ myself.
“Go forth,” BOB said unto his new disciples (taking a sip of seventy-five cent soda), “and preach to the fuzzy beasts of my existence. Mate with the less fuzzy fuzzy beasts, and taketh many wives. Populate my worlds with your offspring! But concentrate mainly on Earth!” BOB paused dramatically, then continued: “Here, you'll need these.” BOB reached into an inner pocket of his trenchcoat and pulled out two pairs of super-cool, purple-tinted sunglasses.
“Wear these at all times!” BOB commanded.
The two disciples then donned the reflective sunglasses, obscuring their eyes behind mirrors of purple. “Cool,” they breathed in unison. Their awe was mainly in reaction to the psychedelic black light, which they could now see with the glasses.
“Now go away and leave me alone,” BOB growled, deciding that he didn't really want company anyway.
And they did! The disciples took many wives, populating the universe with little disciples. Then it was night.
On the third day, BOB created a bunch of well-endowed women and took them to.... a movie! It was quite a good flick, a foreign jobby. BOB liked those foreign jobby’s.