Entertainment, Music, Literature, & Culture - 3 A.M. MAGAZINE
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I swear, if this man doesnít take off his shoes I am going to have his ear too! HEY!! What is he doing in Grandmaís house? GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!!! Youíre not allowed in here!! I didnít invite you and I know Grandma didnít invite you! My GODDAMN FUCKING NOSE ITCHES!

Who is that man talking to? Why canít I see him?!? I never realized what color this floor really was until just now. Itís very gray.

ďHow the hell did this guy do this to himself?Ē, the dirty shoed officer said to his partner in a voice that was horrified at what he was a witness to.

C.C. laid in a pool of his own blood, vomit, urine and feces. Each of his limb were amputated. And by the looks of things he had done it himself over a period of time. His left leg had been found in his Grandmotherís bed, the right in his Motherís. His left arm was under the dining room table where the rats and mice had made it into a feast. C.C.ís left ear was pressed between the pages of a Nazi propaganda magazine. The fingers on his right hand wound around an ice pick with a death grip and his eyes wide open, staring at the once gray marble tiled floor now mostly covered in dried blood which had drained from the final wound. The ice pick was up the nasal cavity in his brain.

Shit! I think Iím dead!

That man better take his shoes off!

I donít want to sleep next to Grandma!!

That man seems to be bothered by how I look. Wait till he finds my ear collection!

I want to be buried by Daddy.

I always wanted to be an astronaut.

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