To apply for a correspondent position in 3 A.M. Magazine, contact Andrew Gallix - [email protected].generic ed drugs.Erectile Dysfunction.
3 A.M. Writers
3 A.M. PUBLISHING wants your best short story! We are interested in writers/authors with fiction and/or nonfiction themes similar to ours. Literary and entertainment value are equally important.
On submissions, we generally ask for First 90-day Exclusive Internet Rights with a One Year Option for Archiving. First 90-day Exclusive Internet Rights means that we have the right for the first publishing of a story on the Internet for a 90-day run. The One Year Option for Archiving means that while the story is ours exclusively for the first 90 days, the author is free to get it published elsewhere on the web even though it appears in our archives for up to a year.
Answers to FAQ -
- We do not accept previously published material. If your name is Stephen King, we'll make an exception.
- Response time: This varies depending on work-load and if we are in the process of completing an issue. It could range anywhere from 1 week to 4 months. You might want to inquire about the current status of our "reading periods."
- We prefer stories to be between 3000 - 10,000 words in length, although if you have an exceptionally entertaining / intriguing piece, we'll definitely consider it.
- We are looking for on-edge and ORIGINAL entertaining fiction - comedy, satire, action/suspense, paranormal (think Twilight Zone & Tales From the Crypt), and horror. For nonfiction, we like stories from mainstream that reflect growing up in recent decades - EVERYONE'S got a story to tell. We are not looking for fan-fiction or stories that promote hate or racial bigotry. Please keep in mind that sometimes we don't know what we're looking for - if you have something original and entertaining that you haven't seen before on our website, we will gladly consider it.
- We reserve the right to reject any story for any reason. Due to time constraints and the volume of submissions, we cannot always give a critique of rejected stories, although we will try.
Formatting Your Electronic Manuscript
Please send your completed short story pasted in the body of an email (No Attachments!) in plain text format to [email protected]. Please skip lines between paragraphs, and also place < p > tags at the beginning of each paragraph to ensure that formatting is not lost while in electronic transfer. Be sure to include information on how to contact you, i.e. a telephone number and e-mail address. Please note that we no longer accept manuscripts sent via land mail - in the age of the Internet, we have found that it is a much faster process to read and accept stories when we receive them in email.
We are always back-logged with submissions. Please be patient.
Submissions are processed in the order they are received and response times vary. If you do not receive an acknowledgement of your manuscript within one week, please send a query. If you have not received a rejection or acceptance within four weeks, please send a query.
If you are interested in writing for 3 A.M. MAGAZINE, contact Andrew Gallix - [email protected].
218 Main Street # 118
Kirkland, WA 98033