BOB replied very simply. “Cable can suck me. He was a dweeb and she was a hose hound, they didn’t deserve it. Besides, who did the creating, huh? Yeah…I thought so.”
In the end, of course, Candi noticed that Dick could supply mild pleasure every once in a while and it wasn't long before they ended up with two kids who were destined for the psychiatrist's office...
For those of you who do like pornography, Candi's sweet, peppermint flavoured Holy Land was a haven to many engorged love pistons in her time. She was pumped and blasted and speckled like the wall behind the coffee machine. She achieved her peppermint goodness by eating a large quantity of peppermint chocolate at the office... But, often, she would find herself in the middle of a snack when one of the janitors would come up from behind and bend her over the counter. He would lift up her flimsy summer dress with the hook that had replaced his left hand after the war, then he would dork Candi into moaning oblivion. Finally, the janitor would loose his club-like manservant upon Candi's sweet tunnel of Jell-O, and he would plow her fields so deep that it's a wonder he didn't interfere with her digestive process! After two hours of kidney-shifting action in the tearoom, Candi would burst in a violent, screaming epiphany! The janitor, himself about to realise the shape of the universe, would pull out and let fly an incredible stream of creative fluids across Candi’s anxious face. Then the nameless janitor, who had a patch riveted over his right eye, would leave the thoroughly spent Candi panting on the tearoom floor.
There. I think I found a new talent
Fleeing the Cylon tyranny… Wait, I did it again. Here we go:
Next time on “The Boble” – Brotherly Love, Questionable Pursuits, and a whole lot of begetting.
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